Pastor Robert Morris and Karalee Morris
2001 - 2015
Our dear Friends in Christ.
There are no words that exist which even begin to express how
good and gracious God was to Karalee and I that He gave us the
privilege and honor of being part of First trinity for these
past 13 1/2 plus years. From day one you welcomed us with open
arms. You accepted us just the way we were. Day in and day out
you showered us with the spirit’s fruits of goodness, kindness,
patience, and the list goes on. Simply put, you continually
showered us with Christian love. How we give thanks to God for
Personally, what a merciful and gracious gift God gave me when
you called me at the end of September 2001 to be your pastor.
From the day I was installed in December 2001 till now, my
retirement, ministry has been joyful and fun. Above all, I had
the privilege to see God working in you through His Word and
Sacraments. How astonishing it has been to watch the Spirit
working through the Gospel bringing individuals to faith in
Christ as their Savior, bringing those who had strayed back to
Christ, equipping you to follow Christ as His disciples, and
empowering you to love Him by loving others.
At this point I must add that the proof of the Spirits work
through the Gospel is the way you live your lives. You are a
people who live in peace with one another. When the rare moment
of conflict did arise, forgiveness and reconciliation were the
rule. You mourned with those who mourned and rejoiced with those
who rejoiced. You have always been there to help someone in
their time of need, whatever that need was. You went out of your
way to help the poor. Whenever God laid in your lap a way to
share the good news that Jesus is the Savior from sin and death,
you went with it. Examples are our support of Sheba, the
establishment of Daycare, and hiring Betty Wood as a much needed
Christian Counselor for this community. You willingly worked
with Betty to seek other ways to share the Gospel with the lost.
Once again, all I can say is “I thank God for you!”
Finally, Karalee and I are actually speechless as we think of
the retirement celebration that you held for me this past
Sunday. “Thank you” is simply not adequate to express our
gratitude for those who spent so much time and worked so hard to
make that day a reality. It cannot adequately express your gifts
to us. It cannot adequately express the outpouring of your
Christian love for us. That day was an absolutely phenomenal day
for us. It was and always will be one of the best days of our
lives. We do thank God for you and thank each and every one of
you as well. We will certainly miss you. After almost 14 years,
you are family to us. We have and always will love you as you
have loved us. Therefore, be assured that you will always be in
our prayers. First of all, we praise God that He brought into
your midst Interim Pastor Richard Pape and his wife Sylvia.
Pastor Pape is an excellent pastor. I know that he will continue
to share with you that life-giving and life-strengthening
Gospel. I know that he will help you to grow in those areas
where more growth is needed because of my weaknesses. God
couldn’t have given you a better Interim than Pastor Pape nor a
better person than his wife Sylvia. Secondly, we pray that as
you go through the process of finding your next pastor whom God
has already chosen, you will not grow weary with all the ups and
downs that go with the process, but keep your hearts and minds
open to what God is teaching you and all concerned. Last, but
not least, we will always pray that God will continue to bless
you in every way. Above all, may His peace, which is way above
all human understanding, guard and keep your hearts and minds
always in Christ our Lord and Savior.
In Christian Love; Rev. Bob and Karalee Morris